It's true the tos are mentioned in the game but some of the terms are not mentioned or are hard to understand sometimes
I would like to know if someone wants to give a friend of his some amount of gold as a help or loan just to get something he wants and he lack certain amount of gold at that parti time so helping him is banned?and if not how can we pass him the gold without fearing that sts might ban us thinking that wer are doing stuffs against tos? Coz i have heard some ppl have been banned for this to .m only asking this tbh coz once ppl are banned it's really hard to know why they are coz in mails it's just ur banned for doing stuff against tos .if in any case sts can be a bit more clear about wt rule ppl voilated in mails would be more helpful coz some ppl got banned for no reason to and r still figuring out WT rules they have voilated .ty