Quote Originally Posted by Zipo View Post
We need to expand around enchanting. Removing enchantments for specific levels wouldn't be a good idea since 30+ got killed off too due to enchantments. I suggest an other option to enchant other than just buying it.
-Make enchantments like a type of drop(trade-able) you can get from PVE mobs or bosses.
-Make legendaries drop with 'good' enchants
-Remove a few bad enchantments to increase the chance of getting good enchants and making the cost for them cheaper for market or self.
Nothing would change if this happened. None of my old friends would come back and want to farm another set they already have. And taking out bad enchantments would do nothing because if you don't have the best then you have nothing hence removing them. Clearly they aren't going to make it like the worst you can get is 40 dmg and take out every stat inferior to that.

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