Quote Originally Posted by Draebatad View Post
Another concern about the gold used to purchase items, is that the gold doesn't stay in the game, it simply evaporates. Vanishes from the game. Isn't gold overall in short enough supply already for the majority of players? And tori the teller, her prices are so far outdated based on the current economy, she's not going to help print new currency in the game unless her offerings are updated drastically. I guess deflation will happen over time, but it will likely have a depressive impact on the economy for a while. You could please both parties by offering the gold items for plat in addition to gold, and perhaps make something like a special lottery to put the spent gold back into the game.
So much gold being in the game causes inflation, inflation is a bad thing. Normal people worry about inflation. Deflation however is a blessing to the community as a whole and only really hurts investors.

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