The new vanities are beyond imagined expectations. I'm blown away. It was a good idea for sure.
I'd like to suggest a red ruby instead of the blue ruby for the black cop, but either way it looks great.
Any chance the blue mantle can count as a helm to complete the blue angel set? If there's support for that idea, that is.
can u tell us the range of price and is this vanities are tradable or just like before uneed to craft first?
Thanks for update
Pain what?
Can one of the items be changed from the Prize Vendor?
Currently legendary 105 rings can be purchased from him. These rings are currently not in demand because they drop regularly from the blue guardians.
All the 105 legendary rings are worth 10k maximum in the consignment store.
Would it be too much of an ask to change the reward to 105 elite amulets for 2 million each? The same price as the first guild event.
Thanking you in advance.
I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light.
-Helen Keller
Thnks for the New Vanity pieces they look so cool.
How about a change to the Blue gem of the Black Crown to Red Or White ( P.S Would be really cool ) and they would go well with the Black star uniform and the commander one ( Forgot the names Lol ) and last but not the least Demo Set And Black COP would really look Dope.
Are the vanity pieces bought from the vendor tradable ?
Can u atleast make it stashable?
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Last edited by Teo4evrLegend; 06-22-2018 at 08:53 PM.