Quote Originally Posted by Abuze View Post
O don't get me wrong, its known for games to have marriage system and such but what need is there for AL to have it? Look at all the things it lacks, all the things that would be way better invested on to improve the game. At this point yeah marriage system won't be undone but all this ranting is for future reference. There is a difference between necessity and luxury.
Have you seen the thread (poll) for guild furniture? I am pointing it just as an example to show you the diversity in forums.
You see this feature as unnecessary, some of others wanted it, and some of us don't really care about it. They introduced many new features in game with this expansion, they all are introduced to AL because the developers of the game felt like it. It's as simple as that.

I don't know what all things AL lacks, but If you do then use the "Suggestion and Feedback" space. Make a thread and put all your ideas/features forward. Quoting other to prove your point is just waste of time, your ideas are going to be wasted in between rants. At the end of the day its all useless if devs wont even read it.

You know that this feature wont be undone but then you continue to rant about it for "future reference"? what does that even mean? What you gonna do in future.. point the devs to this post and say "I told you so..". There is simply no need for it IMO.