Quote Originally Posted by darrensmith016 View Post
Im not sure if its been addressed yet, im sure it has and am sorry for repeating it, but professions make an RPG and RPG, get the miteials make stuff sell stuff, etc etc, this could be incorarated into the current maps without to many problems I would have thought (pardon my inoscents) but you guys have done an amazing job, it seems like you could aculay do anything..

If professions are done correctly it will untilize the aution house, it will make players play lower level maps to get things they require or it will help lower level players as they can sell in the aution house, the game would be epic!

Sorry again to address WoW, with there professions:

Primary Professions

Alchemy guide
Blacksmithing guide (Could be used to make weapons)
Enchanting guide (Could be used to enchant weapons, or de-enchant)
Engineering guide (Could be used to make bombs, traps, even in the future fix bit in quests)
Inscription guide
Jewelcrafting guide
Tailoring guide

Gathering Professions

Herbalism guide (Could be used to make buffs for boss quests)
Mining guide (On certain lvls could make it possible to mine certain areas)
Skinning guide

Secondary Professions

Lockpicking (certain quests could be locked so this profession would be needed to advance)
First Aid (not every quest has a healer, and some you spend loads of potions, this would be great)

I have made notes on ones that would be really cool if they were added. I know its not an over night job to make it possible, just a couple suggestions really.

I agree with this, and these are good ideas.