Quote Originally Posted by Oursizes View Post
I like the concept of leveling up weapons/gears, and the fact they removed exp kits from plat store for the time being. I also like killing bosses to farm for new set pieces/etc, which if the rich want it first they will HAVE to actually PLAY the content, so you can’t just Zeus your way through everything (anyone who was around for a couple years knows exactly what I mean).

Skill bug ruined the expansion imo, as the fact they didn’t even addresss extending the fast cap banner time/etc. I found it humorous when Lojack said charging skills won’t make the class unplayable, which rogue kind of is right now.

However, I want the previous developers back, especially Sam. The early content(kraken/shuyal) was so fun and challenging, with good rewards too. Right now the game is kind of a joke. Warriors are dealing more damage than mages and rogue ultimates are all useless, sts didn’t bother for checking through content etc. the almost 2 year wait for this wasn’t really worth it. It feels like a beefed up version of the last “expansion”(dreamscape). Haven’t seen the deep marsh or raid bosses so can’t say much about that. Hope it’s not as much of a let down as was the update and the fact that we have to wait for months on end for new gears to become farmable. The content is for 65+ but 60s can get in what a joke. People standing in boss pools/etc

The game has come a long way, but not really for the better. Yes the studio is making a lot more money now through different streams of revenue, but at the cost of the existing and new player base. I tried donating some of my eggs to newer players today and even though they were 16/17/18 they didn’t have trading unlocked so I couldn’t. New players are being left so far behind there’s nobody to replace the existing users that eventually leave, unless they become massive whales.

Just some of my feedback on the update..
You said it all. I don't think some players were around back in the days of early maps so they don't appreciate just how difficult they were for us or how exciting. Players at low levels can get through them easily, even the elite maps so they seem tame to them. I don't wish they were made harder because new players need to level up quite a way now but I dislike the new trend for the long boring maps with no story. I used to look forward to levelling up but I've only just reached level 67 , that shows how enthusiastic I am. Sorry if I come across as negative but there are some good points..I see players enjoying the brawler arena which is nice ☺️