Im not gonna get into the bot discussion and only voice my opinion on farming. I doubt that anyone would choose to farm the lower lvl maps even with the new enchantments while you can go and farm for example volta pieces when a single piece of it is worth close to 10m. Now about the assumption of making 10m+ per hour if a gold farming map is released again. While reaching this number you first assume all the players reach the gold tier, to prevent this tresholds can be changed, then you assume all players have succesfully rerolled 300% gold on their amulets, thats a no highest i have seen is around 260% and i believe majority sits around 180-230%, after that you assume that all players are using a mage because with the aoe advantage the only class that can outfarm other at such high values is the mage, other classes make around 2-2.5 unless you are actually trying to save even 1-2 seconds per run, and you assume that after completing all these steps first you expect them to consistently farm the same map at same speed for 2days. While the gold that can be farmed is significantly increased your assumptions are in the end only assumptions because no one will fill all these statements and those who benefit to such degree will be no different than those who already made more gold than majority during farming maps anyway.

Now about the gold getting into circulation and your statement of it losing value as more of it is produced. I must agree that this is somewhat true but its not really comparable to real life where if you for example print so much euros it will lose value against dollars because there is less in circulation, however PL mainly runs with 1 currency and that is gold so its not really losing value against any other existing currency (you cant really use plat for trades so..) but as i said i somewhat agree because more gold means easier access to items thus it being less valuable but while the gold itself may lose value it can easily be countered by an increase in the value of items so it evens itself out. This has already been observed during previous gold farms events. When people farmed enough gold they started to look for items they need or want, demand increaed for those items so in response their prices increased too.

In conclusion i dont think that more gold entering the game is as chaotic as you make it sound and your assumption is way over the charts and bars of reality. If you are unhappy about my post or the situation i suggest we can just limit how often the farming maps come instead of messing with other things.