This lack of communication regarding failing platinum offers seems to be getting pretty shady.

Here's a very well known timeline: Natvex disappears. Trialpay starts to not grant any platinum. Fyber was introduced. Fyber worked to an extent. Fyber disappears. Iron source randomly appears with no notice of the update. Iron source does not work. And let me say, this story spans quite some time above 2 years. Platinum-offer reliant users have been thrown under the bus for more than two years with almost no update regarding these offers in which has disadvantaged them with using a premium currency to fully experience Pocket Legends (especially in these recent events and with the loss of free respec/attribute reroll).

Well then, it's safe to say Pocket Legends is now marketing a one-way medium of purchasing platinum and is attempting to remove platinum offers.

At the moment around these events, this has been too long and this requires immediate attention!