Thanks for the feedback everyone

So far, here are my thoughts:

The community seems to strongly want a tourney consisting of the three original classes (bear, bird, mage) with the exclusion of rhinos and foxes based on the replies posted in this thread as well as the private messages people have sent me. Since the community feels so strongly about this, I will go ahead and confirm that rhinos and foxes will not be allowed to participate in this tourney. I am usually one who advocates for the inclusion of all classes, but after witnessing the past few endgame tournaments allowing rhinos and foxes to participate only for their inclusion to create ripples within the community, I think it's fair to go back to our roots and have a classic tournament consisting of the three original classes this time.

I am also leaning towards best of 3/5 matches based on the replies in this thread. As Drae expressed, more matches provides teams with a better chance to get into a groove and learn how to combat the opposing team. Consistency is very important, which is why I was leaning towards best of 3/5 before stating my thoughts in this thread but wanted to see how others felt. In addition to this, matches are usually short so it shouldn't take too long to complete.

As far as subs go, there haven't been many players who've expressed their opinion on this idea. I think the addition of subs could bring back an element of strategy and surprise that we haven't seen in years. Furthermore, the allowance of subs could make coordinating matches much easier. If one player is very busy one week, teams could sub in another player of the same class and be more flexible with scheduling their matches. As we saw in the previous tournament, scheduling matches was difficult for some teams because of the sheer amount of players involved in a single match (10) and the wildly different time zones.

Which brings me to my next thought: based on the feedback collected from the previous tournament, I think it might be a good idea to make it a requirement for teams to have time zones within 5 hours of one another. This means that if Dolloway, Cinco and Justg are on the same team and Dolloway has a current time of 2am and Cinco has a current time of 1am, then Justg must have a current time of no earlier than 9pm and no later than 6am. This makes it so that players that live on the other side of the planet from one another cannot form a team when one player has a time of 12am and another 12pm. Unfortunately, this was a reality in the last tournament and caused an abundant number of problems.

Let me know what you all think!

I will also be heavily advertising this tournament in game starting tomorrow by notifying players in town that may not know about it as well as individual players in private messages. If you have any friends that may be interested in joining, do not hesitate to reach out to them. As I stated in my original post though, signups are 'first come, first serve' which I believe is the most fair and reasonable way of going about this, henceforth I listed a date and time when I will be posting the signup thread.