Quote Originally Posted by Abuze View Post
I forgot how we met @arach
Also did u find out if others are still alive, yohoe, etc?
I believe we met in Eminence guild hall while hanging out with Yohoe! ^_^ Sadly, I've sent friend requests to his accounts and I don't think he's still active :<
Still hoping though, maybe he'll come back at Winter event to check things out.

Quote Originally Posted by Agirlnamedbob View Post
Opening a bunch of locked grand crates of the watch and Loot my first arcane pet (samael), sold it to buy my dream spider pet (shadowlurk or frosteye) don't remember which it was xD man that was good
That's one of the most heartbreaking stories I've ever heard. But hey, can't judge someone for trying to reach his dreams

Quote Originally Posted by Fiasaria View Post
farming malison by killing elite bael
Literally my the journey to my first myth set <3

Quote Originally Posted by QuaseT View Post
Looting lockeds of the watch from Jarl with friends and farming for my first lepre. Ive been such a nab at game launch but still a great time.
When i had enough gold to start merching lb sets, playing with a risk and still making profit with the merch has been my favourite time overall. New vanities and gear every day just by trading around was fun.
Niiicely done, I suck terribly at merching, been trying it out again recently though, seeing a bit progress. Gotta admit, the feeling of getting your
merch sold and making profit really does feel nice. Risky, but addicting.

Quote Originally Posted by Tippertwo View Post
My best memory is when I met two of my bffs that I still talk to today: Darrksight/nerfedx and Elenyore. We have so much in common that I feel as if I know them irl. Also when I joined the guild Executionerz (after Assassinators got destroyed)...those were the best memories of my life, as well as when I created my own guild Arcanum Knights. Yeah, most of my fond memories involve in the social status in the game xD. I rarely ran any maps XD.
I feel you! This is why I have such low APs, never really aimed to grind the hardest maps, if it happens it happens. I think the biggest asset the game has is its community, its amazing for a mobile mmo, there's always people around talking to each other.