Quote Originally Posted by Alghost View Post
Y’all blind and can’t read or what? He’s got a nice small video about the bracket also the man just said he’s not forcing anyone to spend their gold on the bracket and he even said he don’t care if you come or not. You don’t think he knows about all the awakening and stuff? He said “if you can’t afford it don’t complain” with all this gold loot and all these wealthy players, there’s a reason why we got gold sinks now XD to stop INFLATION. 5m is all ya need for decent gear and weap. If you want to max almost any level you need about 50m. You can’t afford the bracket? Then don’t go simple as it gets. Now quit complaining and move on, sts themselves weren’t expecting AL to even live to this long so be thankful their server is still up and running.
I am not blind and I do appreciate the time and effort he had put into, saw him pming many people trying to make people coming down and have fun in 38. I was just stating the fact that why people aren't going down to twinks and do hope sts does something about it. Certainly you all don't want AL to go down like this right?