Quote Originally Posted by Suentous PO View Post
@ Psy - nice u must be lv 50+ I'm guessing?
Didn't feel the need for shield mastery? I may try w/o hmmm
I get that question a lot: why not AS mastery? I just posted this on Spheresome's thread:
Many people get the Arcane Shield Mastery wrong. It does not increase the damage reduction.
It only increase the amount of damage absorbed by the shield before it breaks. So only use that mastery if your shield is not staying up for 15secs (It usually does for me).
But it depends on your play-style, I see people use lifegiver on HC as well (which is the most aggro generating skill for mage, I would never use it unless I have a tank to aggro the mobs back from me).

In general I am more of hit and run, dodge the red area player. You can block most of the high damage attacks of mobs/boss if you just time your shield right; The 2sec invulnerability (Upgrade5) can dodge insta-kill attacks as well, just use it wisely.

I keep spamming charged gale, it keeps buff and 50% armor up for 4sec with CD of 5sec.