Quote Originally Posted by PostNoob View Post
You obviously are bias to this, as you can see many others are too.

I noticed something common amongst folks that have the concerns that you share. Its always "Sts doesnt care, they dont know what there doing ect ect.." . do you honestly think if this was an easy fix like the above people think it is that they wouldnt do it? People honestly cannot be that narrow minded. There are many things that affect pvp other than paper stats.

Global changes in pvp- affecting each class equally.

Class specific awakenings

Another character class

Additional Upgrade ticks on current skills

Heck, even add Class specific passives.

If sts doesn't get a massive change like trying to balance pvp correct on the first shot, then y'all will cry" money hungry blah blah, plat grab. Dont care about the community".

If they dont have the resources and/or brilliant minds it takes to balance a games PvP side, does that mean you all have to sit there and passively bash them or trash them? Its not like you've been charged for this game nor are you forced to play it. The fact that it is free and it has both pve and pvp should be enough for people to stop bashing on them for years. If you want a more balanced pvp then there are many games out there that you can pay for, but you will probably never find a game that is perfectly balanced. Two wrongs dont make a right, but it for sure can create a fight.

Some of y'all are like a sea snake bite, just wont stop being a pain. If you take that personal, than it may be true, ehh?

In the end, i really dont care, pvp on a phone game just isnt fun to me. To take it as serious as i just did or alot of you have is just foolish. I will send this post as i at least tried to give a few options before getting triggered.

Hopefully the community can figure it out. Ill stay off this thread, y'all ruin it with the negitive crap and/or drama. have a good one.
First off who is “y’all” ? and you took your time with this one. You don’t care about a phone pvp game ( its a pc game) but you just wrote a book on the forums ? Re-evaluate your life. I’m not trying to be rude but what do you expect to get when you try to bash people who share some opinions on obvious things that need to be fixed. Ridiculous

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