Quote Originally Posted by Spheresome View Post
Mage procs were too good before the nerfs, now they are useless

There is no such thing as good mage procs anymore. And plus, if mages have the lowest base damage in the first place, whats wrong with giving them procs to compensate for that?
Im not against balance, but to throw a bunch of "on paper stats" out like this doesnt fully give you the grasp of mages damage output. To sit here and not show that side of things and just look at the basic stat of damg isnt fair.

Mauso is one of the most profitable places in Arlor. Mages Procs there are not good? And for how long has that been? Just because i gave a thanks on this thread, and threw out the word proc, doesn't mean im saying overall mages are the best.

I commend the op for going through the trouble of putting this together, but its bias imo.

Do others think its fair to put together data like this without taking into consideration Procs and such? I believe this was put together focusing on just singular aspects. If you buff mages too much, it will just give the problems that exist now, class stacking. If you stack AoE dps(along with a few procs that can be had by them) it would be worse than todays Rogue stacking.

Too bad there wasnt two classes of damage, magic and physical, armor as well.

Imo, the main goal of this thread is to buff mages, while not considering all aspects of gameplay. That is why i wouldn't think this is vaulable information. Its nice to see numbers on a screen, but its only half of the equation.