Quote Originally Posted by kamikazees View Post
Increase max skill level to 10. That will mean characters can only max 5 of 12 skills, less than half, and will encourage characters to play a broad range of more specialized character types. We might actually see enchantresses who are healers (10 heal, 10 vitality, etc) and enchantresses who are nukers (10 firestorm, lightning, etc). We would see warriors focused purely on tanking and ones for damage. Birds focused on debuffs, or focused on bow damage.
This idea has been discussed, but it was on a slightly different subject. Before it was just discussed that the mage class should be split into two classes (a cleric type and a warlock/witch type) basically healer and nuker as you referred to them as. The downfall in your scenario would be that PUGs would have to screen their players and make sure they have a good team to complete a run. For instance, if you had 2 mages and they were both nukers, you now have no healer and no real way to identify this problem until after the run has started. The problem would just compound if you split all of the classes down the middle. You could end up with a tank, 2 debuffers and 2 healers (for example) and end up with a completely fail party with no way to actually do any real damage. It's a commendable idea since most RPG type games don't actually allow you to max stats in so many categories, but that's just how it is currently.