Quote Originally Posted by Vlogs View Post
Hey Swice ���� It's certainly been a while since I last saw you! Again, I would like to thank you for the items that you gave me and the community. To be honest I don't hate the idea of bringing back PLOS. I actually like it! However as what Burnt said it would divide the already diminishing community even further and it would be a risk for STS because they nor we do not know if PLOS would be as successful as it used to be.
Long time no see Matt!! I know that there are a lot of risk on creating a game specially the risk of being unsuccessful but I’ll say this not only to you but to everyone, in order to achieve something great you need to take that risk(s) because if you do not take that risk(s) and just judge it on your own without even trying then you won’t achieve something great! For me it’s better to try than give up without even trying!