Quote Originally Posted by Russel99 View Post
The whole reason people even want the helix is so their not equal lmao. All I got from your point is the helix should brought back so things can be fair lol. Equality is not the answer to everything and is not the answer in this case. If the helix should be brought back, it should be brought back for platinum and locked at certain number of players being able to buy it or only available for a certain amount of time. This is the only way the helix can return and still have its prestige. All your ways suggest of downgrading the helix to a weapon that the majority of the community can have, that should not be the case. The past is the past, idgaf if other old items came back becuase they are not the helix the item we are talking about. The helix does not need to have a turn like the rest because the helix Is the rarest/most expensive item in the game. What I'm really trying to say is allowing all items to be available to noobs or the majority of the community is a bad idea. Adding permanent ways to get the helix in game just makes the helix a usless piece of **** that can be accesible by broke people. The whole point of the helix is to show how much more money that you have than others. To have 2 billion in a game that takes a lot of hard work, but I'm just saying.
What did you just say ?
"Idgaf about old items helix is the most expensive in the game"" ?

Man that's how you know a new player from an old player lol.

Helix was never rare helix was never expensive, helix firestar were Account Bound, in other words: NOT TRADE friendly, simply not traceable. It was useless it had no price just like any other account bound item, the most expensive items in the game were undead hammer axes elder tear black vampire heart. And if they didnt bring them back for plat available for everyone and anyone to buy, we wouldn't be here right now talking about Helix and star and jewel.
But ofcourse you have 0 idea about any of that and you keep wasting my time because you arent reading the whole thing and mainly because you're a new player so please, you wanna argue about something then do your research first, think of some logical answers and come back bro. If undead hammer axes tear black heart didnt come back, they would now be the Most Expensive in the game and that's how they should be because they are items since 2012