Quote Originally Posted by Jairus980 View Post
Yup, it's legit. The only way to fix is to make boss spawn later by kill certain amount of mobs. There's a system to balance level when high comes, new spawn will change to the highest level player but since the boss spawn early, you can't do much about it and people can exploit.

Also another way to fix is that the goodies will lock with the boss level. Some player says low level toon get low amount of gold and capped get 4 digit golds.

In your case. It is saying that the boss is lv2 but the chest is dynamically change to capped player so they can kill boss but get lv71 chest.
So you're saying even if that low lvl player has ava set he will get low drops? If that's the case its not much of an issue, however if its not the case then I can say for sure many used multiple accs and got dirty dirty rich which shouldnt go unnoticed.