Quote Originally Posted by nadineelfen View Post
just wanna suggest something can you guys please make leags bronze,silver,gold,platinum,diamond and the highest is titanium this’ll be more interesting and it’ll lessen the chance of people getting farmed in pvp also for each leag you guys should add in rare weap and gems that people may be able to buy once they reach that leag make a vendor for those rare stuff and forgotten items and vanity and stuff like that I hope you guys hear me out I just wanna help some other pvpers that’s struggling to fight the powerful ones also add in the guild event arena just for a place for other people to practice with total of 2 people inside that way there will be no interference against other players please hear me out cause this will be good for all of us that wants to pvp
(Ideas by me nd xbloody)

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leags for players will kill pvp and make it dead more than it is already so no thanks plus adding a guild event arena thing will make farming alts for people easier and that's not what we want, leave suggesting pvp ideas for pro players we don't want pvp ruined more than it is already. thanks