This had probably been brought up before but I just think it needs to be addressed. Also I want to know how everyone feels about this about this subject. So I keep running into players who are below 71 and when I ask why you don't come end game I get the simple answer "its too long" or "cba" or "the grinds too much". Also we are constantly getting events and stuff which has initiated activity in the game however as most content is designed for end game and getting to endgame is as hard as it is right now theres a huge dilemma that needs to be addressed. I believe there are a few solutions to this issue at hand;

1. XP quests give double xp for permanent or a 2 week period.

2. We get more xp quests that payout even more energy than the current ones (possibly 5 more quests that give 3k xp)

3. A legendary xp set that grants xp bonus and can be obtained by players for platinum from the store however it is also tradable meaning it is highly accessible by all free and paying players.

4. A instant boost to lvl 71 for platinum?

Let me know what you guys think on this matter, but I really want something to be done about this crazy grind >_<

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