I am a new player to Arcane Legends, started a couple of days ago. So far, I am loving the game. I have been playing WoW for many years and having a mobile option to play a similar game is really great. The devs did a great job and this will be one of those games that I intend to keep playing for quite some time!

First impression is that leveling up goes very quick, I have all three races now at around lvl 50. The courage pet (and being sick at home) helped obviously. So far, sorcerer is easiest to play for me, followed by rogue and finally warrior, mostly because sorceror easily kills many enemies at once.

Although I love Arcane Legends, and because you asked for it, here are some things that could be done better imho (please note that some of my observations could easily be wrong due to my lack of knowledge!):

1. Main quests simply stop at around level 43. There are many more greyed out, but i get the message that I haven't done enough quests yet. No clue why you want to stop players from progressing, unless you really want to force them to do dailies (at like 10 xp/each)

2. The level 10, 20, 30 and 40 award chests are a nice idea, but literally every time I have opened one (for each race), the items were lower than I already had by regular following the quests. To be honest, that was a bit disappointing.

3. The in-game hint system continuously alerts that I have received a better item, but that is mostly not true. I wish the hint system would take into account what race you're playing and only alert you when a piece of equipment is truly better.

4. The equipment upgrades that you receive are quite sporadic. Sure, your stats improve while leveling up, but getting a new kick-*** sword, bracelet or whatever, gives a lot of fun. If possible, provide more item upgrades.

5. I tried the exchange shop to perhaps buy a sword there, but the prices are just unreal: 15 million while i got around 50K at level 45. Perhaps gold will flow easier at higher levels, but assuming I am halfway (with what level 71 or so being the max), I am getting this feeling that most items will simply be too expensive?

6. I don't mind spending money (bought Courage for all my three chars), but even buying a decent pet will set you back 100 USD (for the hero). That is way above what i want to spend on a mobile game, and most likely many other players would feel the same. Make a decent pet for like 10 bucks and i am sure you will find buyers. Likewise, if you would offer, say, 2x experience for 2.99 USD/week, my guess is that quite a few players would buy this. Most people don't like spending a lot at once, but every week a little bit is less of an issue. Win/Win: more money for the Devs and faster leveling for the players.

7. This discussion board is a great place to find info (like the quest level cap I hit earlier, turns out you have to be level 62 to continue...15 levels of only dailies...hrm...fun). But many postings seem to be outdated, especially the user guides. Arcane Legends is a complex game so having more correct info available would definitely help. Might a good idea for one of the devs to free up themselves and write the guides themselves instead of relying on unpaid players. Or better yet, offer players some plat in return for great guides. There is a lot of knowledge among the experienced players that new players could benefit from. Paying in plat (or in pets, or whatever) certainly won't break the bank, and would make the game all the more enjoyable.

8. Guilds: it would be great if you could add a list of available guilds with simple Apply buttons next to them. plus how many members they have, short discription, etc. As a new player, I had no idea what guilds were out there. Luckily someone invited me from the blind. Normally i hate that because you don't know what guild you're about to enter. But in this case, it was the only way to join. Weird much!

9. Chat is difficult on a tablet while playing at the same time, voice-chat would be very helpful to communicate with your guildies and groupies.

10. Correcting mistakes in char build takes plats immediately. Not very nice to new players who are trying to find their way around. Plus it does not stimulate trying out new skills. After reading through this message board, I found the best char builds and i simply stick to it. Too bad for other skills that might be useful, but I am not going to spend plat on simply trying them out. It would be a great idea to have new players some free tries.

11. It seems that parties don't influence whether you get the mob kills or items found, which is great. Makes life much easier than hitting that Invite to Party button all the time. Well,actually, most areas are quite empty which is too bad because things go much faster when playing together. I am hoping that the end games zones are more populated since many players here seem to be old-timers.

12. Would be great to have the special coins/tokens (like story tokens) be shareable through your stash. That way, players like me who have three chars could reach certain goals a bit quicker.

13. It would be good if you can see where you are on the map, like in which area/zone. Perhaps this is possible, but i haven't found it.

13. Healing when offline would be nice so that the next time you log on or switch between chars, they are ready to go.

14. Daily minstrel quest: why are there two quests to start it? Also, slightly annoying to click the intermittent screens inside the dungeon.

15. Most pets seem useless, and the useful ones are very expensive. It would be nicer to have intermediate pets instead of jumping to end level pet (which you will never be able to afford due to very high prices). THis would give a player something to look forward to and make pets more special than they are now.

16. Speaking of pets, my pet level is roughly half of player level, am I doing something wrong here?

17. Finally, as mentioned earlier I bought the Courage pet. If I upgrade the pet with eggs, would that destroy the 15% exp bonus? I tried searching the forums, but couldn't find the answer. And if I keep the 15%, what would be a good and cheap pet to add?

Still, all the above points for improvement won't stop me from enjoying the game. The Dev Team did a great job, and I am looking forward to spend much more time with Arcane Legends. Thanks!