Quote Originally Posted by Lesrider View Post
Guys, I seem to be getting some quick responses to my emails. I asked them about the email bug and pvp, and this was the response I got:


These issue will probably go away once the server issue is fixed.

As for the PVP area problem, many people have reported this and we have informed our developers of the issue, however since they are focused on fixing the server issue we do not know yet what their plans on the PVP area will be."

Open pvp area is really small in O&C. In WoW, it covers entire map and you will kill or get killed anywhere on the pvp realms

Only issue I see is the pvp buff, it should be removed as soon as you leave the pvp area

I know it sucks that you get attacked while doing quests, I have that experiences too, but you need to get used to it as that's the game style

what I do if I get attacked is I log out to character list immediately then play another character for a while (you have to fast enough to do this), unless I'm really confident that I can beat him

nothing you can do tbh because there are always some players behave badly in game

don't quit because of this, you are doing well now every time I see your warrior