Just a few thoughts

  • Lower XP required at higher lvls, or add more quests with greater xp, more XP granted the harder maps.
  • Increase the time of elite runner elixer.
  • Add 1 hour combos to elite runners.
  • Remove non stat jewel elix from elite runners.
  • Implement a crate or add to the advancement crates XP elix.

I know HC is hardcore and should be, however, making the new APs attatched to main is over whelming, especially to new player who already knows they have boss, and mob kills. It will take a new player a very long time to complete all aps, to achieve LB IF they are AP chasers.

Maybe reverse the APs to the HC players, allow their main chars APs to be added to the HC class the player choose to play in HC mode with.