.... . The First Arlorian .... . ..
There once was a brave knight... who's name has been long forgotten. But his battles always remembered; for this knight was arlors first protector. He had kept all evil creatures at bay, protecting his fellow arlorians. For he was the most skilled warrior of his time, making his way threw any creature with his blade... until one day, his village sent him on a quest. A quest to end evils darkest threat. The goblin family coven... they had planned to go to war with arlor, and finally take over... . Now that the band of witches had been United with their ultimate power... .trouble was just over the horizon. So the warrior knew what he must do... . .. so to the goblins he went, but the terror he would face would shift his soul into a rage he had never felt... .. . Although he had been in countless battles, he had always a still hand to him.. a calmness that kept him sharp like an arrow... .. . He had found nothing at the camp the fires warm... but out, as if they had packed and gone somewhere?.. .. . Realizing what had happened, he galloped on his trusty steed as fast as the wind would allow him.. ... but it was to late the witches had set waste to his village. In a time for sadness there was none.for he had a thirst for vengeance only his blade could quench.. he followed the trail, and found the "evil four" greeting him with a smile of wickedness, for they were not scared of him, or anyone for that matter... they had their ultimate power, their immorality... it would render them untouchable... or so they thought.. . The knight had cut clean the head off the first of the evil, and stuck it on a spike from his village... I cannot kill you, BUT YOU WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF MY ANGER.. .he screamed, as he moved to the goblin son... . The elder goblins in a panic realizing their fate, they had stained their blood with the most evil of curses. And once the knight had reached them, he reunited them with there spiked spawn. And it was glorious until, evil... it started to flood his soul, then his body, reaching his face and even his beloved sword.... forever the knight would be cursed to serve, and protect ALL of goblin kind.

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