Quote Originally Posted by Loot View Post
1) Increase in amount of gold a player can hold! We have players trusting one another by buying items of value to add into trade instead of gold, its shady and hard to usually buy a vanity thats worth 150mill or 140mill because we either gotta go 1 by 1, trades can go wrong, people losing stuff. :/

2) better story mode, I feel like the story for arcane legends could have been better and kept players interested. I mean we are legit bouncing from one place to another.

3)There should be Design events, every event should be a design event!! or for more than 80% !!! If its hard to think of a new vanity for LB for an event: then have us players hit it up! It worked well with the last event where players designed coin bags, eyeball banner, etc. The prizes for players that win design events shouldn't go overboard, maybe some jewels, etc. It'll lessen the work for designers thinking of ideas if everyone interacting with the events by designing. We got great ideas and we wanna be heard
Thank you for hearing me out Remiem ;-; much love
Ill definitely participate for the next design event, I missed it during finals week for my school haha.