Quote Originally Posted by XghostzX View Post
I'm loving the content (granted, I'm waiting until fast cap is over). Congrats again on hitting that 110, Palm!

I personally would like the mob mechanics to be cleaned up a bit. I'm not a fan at all of being pushed around constantly by the mobs, but I understand players are looking more for a challenge when it comes to PvE (I just don't think it's the right challenge).

I also hope that the mob health reset can be cleaned up. Too often I find myself waiting longer than I feel like I should for mobs to reset. It certainly takes away from the flow of the PvE.

Also, Palm -- have you had any luck farming legendaries/elites/mythics at 110 yet? Would love to hear about that.
As of right now so far, after doing about 40-50 runs, I have gotten 1 elite and 2 legendaries. I haven't not seen nor heard of any golden chests and mythical items dropping from Ebonthrax yet.