Quote Originally Posted by burntoutdex View Post
the pvp looks truly amazing. i can see why the cap took so long to release now; cinco was working on the pvp balance for months.

it also comes at no surprise now why mythic sets cost hundreds of millions of gold and are so difficult to acquire. It's because the pvp is such an enjoyable experience that everyone should strive to get a mythic set so they can try it out for themselves and see how good it is.

i also completely agree with fruitbattwo - the only thing that would make this cap's pvp better is higher enchants like level 30 pvp. maybe even add a few more enchant slots.
Yes yes. And add a mythic damage enchantment slot that costs 2750 plat to open and has a obtain rate of -1000, unless of course you spent the 80usd fee to turn it to .001%. To obtain this special rune ya must spend 50 plat per box that only drops at this exclusive plat dungeon for 30 plat that has every grade of equips from trash to mythic.

Supposedly enchants was disabled in 30 but brought back. Wonder if that's true?