Quote Originally Posted by NukeDragon View Post
I just tested 1h sword mythic set verse a 2h bow mythic set and talon set. Bow has no chance to beat me as a bear with 1h sword set. That being said, a bird with talon set (if they do not dodge everything) beats me every time (if also I do not dodge everything). If they dodge everything, I obviously die first. About 90% of the time, I lose to a talon set.

Suggested Fixes:
-Add 1.5k Damage boost to bow, axe, and longsword.
-Make attack speed 0.7-0.8 on sword.
-Make attack speed 0.4 on dagger again.
-Wand needs a lower attack speed or a slight damage increase.
-I believe staff is fine.

From PvE perspective though:
-I would like to suggest adding the no pushback proc from shields to 2h weapons.
-And possibly making every set the same damage, armor, and stats; such as all 2h sets having the exact stats as 1h sets for the set bonus.
--As stated in a previous patch these set bonuses do not apply in PvP which would keep that separated making both balance able.

This may balance things out just enough.
I agree 2h damage is way too low and cinco still hasn’t fixed the spawn issues in forest fight. Additionally, my mythic set bonus sparkles dont show when I view my inventory.