Quote Originally Posted by Orcish View Post
Everything has to cost something, time, money, energy, etc etc. If it was so costly or such a huge problem, why are so many people playing the game? Say I see a pair of Berluti shoes that I want, that's certainly in my opinion, overpriced, and way out of my means, you know what I do? I head downtown to the nearest Walmart, I pickup some Nike's that were priced much less (and probably more comfortable) vs. the 1k Berluti shoe's and I'm happy with that. If I don't like the price of something, guess what? I don't buy it. I hate paying $4 a gallon for gasoline, but I have few choices, I can carpool, ride a bike, run to post, or I can suck it up, and throw down $30 or so. No matter what I do, in the end it's still my choice and ah wasn't there a "Earn Free Plat" link/button somewhere in the plat store? It may take you longer to earn the plat you need but you could earn that plat, like everyone else, i'm just sayin'.
$4 a gallon? Wow I'm jealous. Try living in the UK!! I drive 300 miles a week, my car gets 15 miles per gallon and we pay more than double what you pay for fuel! :-(