Quote Originally Posted by Allset View Post
I just want to express my gratitude or these vanities from this event. I have begged for more manly vanities for some time & it seems that I was heard to some extent. I know I’m going to get bit for this. If not for my vanity for my commitments on thank sts. Anyway this is now my favorite vanity setup thx STS. I can’t wait for the drone to complete it. XD

Yes it is nice that rogues have manly things. Shame that mages don't have girly things though. Mages have lots of manly things too..even beards etc. Warriors, well they are just manly full stop.
So, why is it that mages have only had one girly vanity devs? Oh..apart from a wedding dress. Even warriors have a wedding dress. Meanwhile, we female players have to make do with the scary looking violet vanity for our mage characters.
If mages are supposed to be genderless, why do they have manly vanities?
Sorry Allset for hi-jacking your post. I am genuinely pleased for you. 🙂