oh i did remember something you can give me. (only if you have time though)
oh i did remember something you can give me. (only if you have time though)
Laazahater L56 Elf Awesomness : Traigomuerte L56 Pally
Hanibaz L50 Int/Dex Bear : kraazeva L50 Dex bird
Badbadtzmaru L27 Dex/Int Elf
when you go on plz do something to let me know so ill go on xD
Wow! what a great christmas! May i get something? The copperheads saintly shield please and snipers casting pole!
Thanks Flowman!!!
The best fruit in the world....PWNPEAR
The jewel thiefs mojo bow bow
Thread updated with names. Sorry for those who make requests and get denied, but you have to be there first :/ be sure to check the first page to see what is available and what is taken.
Haha sure Sky, but I'll have to find you a practice dummy.
can i please have red scarab bow of isis
ign: zomgitznaynay
i would be happy to have anything though thanks
thanks ladylove zomgitznaynay level 51 str/dex bird, naynayizhere level 26 int mage,naynayftw level 18 str bear, my newest account which im racing to 56on is Xiizdexmagex feel free to add me
Brooke- im going and seein POTC 3, so ill be on 2night (or for te next 5 min)
RIP Twinktastic
AEO is the way to go~now recruiting
Laazahater L56 Elf Awesomness : Traigomuerte L56 Pally
Hanibaz L50 Int/Dex Bear : kraazeva L50 Dex bird
Badbadtzmaru L27 Dex/Int Elf
If noone claims these towards the end may I also call on the Croc Tooth Sword and Bullfrog Helm. The more green appearance items, the better.