Quote Originally Posted by mascotmullah View Post
Well ,having seen all that was said here I'll say just a few things
First and foremost we do not need another gold event ,this winterfest alone has already broken the prices of some items especially the highly demanded but rare items e.g big love which was less than 100m late last year but has gone up to 150m going by current prices and as much as I get what eiser is saying concerning new players and returning players I will restate here that a gold event is not needed to get rich ..I started playing DL again after the gold events towards the end of 2018 and I had absolutely nothing but through hard work I attained all that I own presently so if I can do it then anyone else who's determined can do it also
Secondly on the events side of the coin I'd like to remind you lordcrewe that DL and Al are games with very different concepts because while Al is more adventure inclined which makes it easier to organise events for them DL is more horror oriented and as such events are not all that easy to organise .what's more funny is that 95% of those who rant on the forums about events don't really take part in the events when they arrive ,,like you lordcrewe I can count the number of times I saw you play in the winterfest and supatra also but these ones talk the most about events not being brought to DL so my advice to most who bring up this topic make sure that when you request for events and they come take full part rather than complaining about one thing or the other here on the forums like the dude who kept crying about not dropping any elder as if he was the only one who didn't get to drop them so yeah just grind and you'll get rich ,we do not need another gold event,then we will also have events so be patient

Just my 2 cents

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I didn't know I couldn't ask when there will be the next event because I'm only interested in the clothes I don't participate because I don't want and what's the matter :0

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