Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Yeah. Vanity items would need consideration in addition to all standard equipment. The only way to control scope is to zero-in on a single level as opposed to supporting a range (as the ranges could get very messy).
I think it would be worth-while to consider how well this sort thing we're discussing might fare versus spending the same amount of effort on adding new Honor Gear to spice things up - as has been quite eloquently suggested elsewhere ;-)
If what you have planned this year is to make a continuation of Honor PvP with more pieces of gears added then yes i do agree that it'll be a better solution. Dropping Bird's Honor talon down to 10 meters so that a .6 or 1.1 crossbow could be added would be quite a impact. What i got from this is mostly the difficulty of us having to pick a set of gear to represent a complete level range(10-45). This would rip off birds the most who would be forced to combat the best of equips from bears and mages if items like SBL was choosen.

I complete overhual of the Honor arena is what I'd go for personally. Improving the set stats, fixing certain weapons, ect. I could make a whole thread dedicated to that alone.