Quote Originally Posted by BaronB View Post
Many years ago I had done some rough math to it, needed like 350/400 players with 10k aps min each in a guild just to make it to LBs.

Purge once used to have quite a few members in its prime during the pvp days, that isnt the case so much now... but that figure was from like 4/5 years ago maybe longer so with the amount of pvp you can gain now that figure is probably a little different.

Keeping that in mind id personally say it isn't that much of a surprise their not in the top 50 but if they gained say most likely 100/150 people overnight they would probably jump into the top 10 with their overall statistics.

All just an educated guess tho nether the less however one thing is for sure

quantity doesn't always equate to quality ^.^

1 <3
Top 10 would be hard especially since about one third of the rank is based on activity i would imagine they would score pretty low on that , and for as many kills as they have someone else in that guild probably has a death for it , top 25 maybe