Quote Originally Posted by namca View Post
Cinco said will change pvp chat features..no more bullying nd insults during games nd a team chat active ..also spamming trade other that needs stop as way of trolling during matches..
I think all these much abusing talkative pp who flood open chat with cusses during matches will be shushed nd well have a healthier pvp with less toxicity ..
Btw bella i c u talk nd suggest but I not c u active in any arena for long time now ..other that I suggest is the issue with sitters ..sm kick off from arena a ban when player looks inactive during pvp ?

Nd fr u all name kof always but u all do cheats nd u all ruin good matches in every way ..
Cut the hate fr isnt helping nowhere..nd help pvp world be better !
Troubleshooting?!? Fill a need @Namca lol

EVIDENTLY, you guy’s don’t know how to conduct themselves like other players.. This is a great shame. Bunch of Drama Queens. There’s still hope you know DIGNITY its wonderful values.. smh

Stop To The Backstabbing Drama!!!