Quote Originally Posted by Cinco View Post
Yeah - the glitches where you can escape the collision geometry are very bad. I think that these can be found throughout the game (though only a couple of instances are the PvP maps).

Resetting the PvP stats has been on my list of things to do for a while. Now that we've got data from the 'Honor' system PvP I may be ready to put together a real plan for wiping stats and "starting all over."
That penalises the honest players and also will remove from history a lot of good players who are no longer among us . Seems a little harsh . Ultimately those who farm Alts will do so again just to get back to where they were and the honest players will be in a position where all the actual real gaming time will seem as for nothing . Still if it’s done and alt farming for instance using the flag arena glitch and lobby farming can be quelled then I guess it’s something . Idk dude fr it seems to hit a lot of people when very few are actually doing it