Quote Originally Posted by Spullllll View Post
One of the definitions of insanity is repeating the same thing over and over expecting a different result. As we see, these threads are the definition of insanity. Cinco, the dev, has already stated that no changes will be made regarding enchantments. I do like @MageFFA idea with the multiple honor sets, but lets be real,, hes not gonna drastically change anything involving enchants. I think everyone should look at the bigger picture like cinco and realize that twink pvp is honestly done for.
Not necessarily on the twink part. We all want enchants gone but we acknowledge that they will never be removed, even if nobody puts time into them. For twink we have 2 big zones. Regular elite pvp from 25-40 and honor. I sent a detailed thread to cinco for him to look over which would drastically fix elite pvp to be more fun. Even then i still don't have high hopes for elites thanks to enchants altering the gear to feel different, and for the worst. So i wish to work on honor which i think should be the next focus on the upcoming updates. Cinco put effort into trying to fix endgame after so many held disapproval of how it was done. Why not do twink also?