Hello Dev

Our application.

We need a little upgrade for gear and team in an elite it's very hard for everyone to go there, only op players can go there.

Let's say I am a weak player I am very hard to find a team or buy a new item because it is very difficult to find gold in this difficult new map even the price of goods needed in the new map is not worth it we do because very difficult to go to the map of elite Vardan Gate, this is damaging to the person's economy or incriminate ordinary players who are heading to be better to be able to play there.

If it can be normal and elite Vardan Gate get a comparable gold.

We who are weak will never be able to grab the OP if the place from normal is difficult let alone we have to go to the elite more difficult again.

OP players have a hard time they say what else for us who are overwhelmed at normal and elite Vardan Gate.

So many of us a weak person representative who is not empowered to ask for ease and lightening can gold farming in new map.

We beg to give us something best comparable.

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