He is saying, while running event maps expending energy that involves a event boss at the end , the warriors with the new arcane weapons and especially speed sets (with extra movement speed enhanced awakes) move too fast compared to other players in map who have also spent their energy kits to be there.
Now the warrior using his ss outrun a the others and also two shots the boss with the new arcane weapon EVEN though there are mobs around him but, because of the damage buff proc along with AOE skills will kill both mobs and boss easily before the others reach the vicinity of the event boss thereby losing their energy kit for nothing.

Meanwhile I think he also adds that a mage or rogue even with a movement enhanced speed set cannot quickly kill the boss due to the rogues inability to aoe kill mobs, similarly the mages inability to kill the boss alone easily.
Hence I think, he implies that warriors are capable of doing both the roles being :

1.)aoe mob killing
2.) Boss killing

.....and at that, being fast than the other 2 classes meant for their roles.
He ultimately with this thread suggests for not being able to have movement speed awake options on speed sets in order to avoid this problem.
(But targets mainly warrior class here because a fully equipped good warrior can kill both mobs and boss easily and the OP does not feel rogues and mages are a threat to the fast completion of map resulting in a wasted energy kit for slower and less equipped mid-way players).

....is what I can infer from what he says.