So I went out and did the Netflix trial and got enough plat to reserve my Mage's name for SL (Calling it SL now). They kept lowering the plat reward from it so I just went for it before it got too low.

This got me thinking though. In PL you get a cool looking character bound shield, most likely a database marker for STS to know which names are reserved, but we haven't been told what people get in SL for reserving. Will there even be anything? As it stands now once SL launches those who reserved and those who got their favorite name on day one would be indistinguishable. I mostly reserved for the shield really, because unless we get something in SL for the character who's name we reserved, I'm probably not going to even use the name if I can get the one I actually want. Hopefully once the database markers are not needed anymore they'll make the shields stashabale.

So speculations. Who thinks there might be ingame incentives to use the reserved name versus using something else? What should they be? We haven't really been given an ingame reason to actually use the reserved name in SL and it seems like no matter what there won't be any distinguishing characteristics between reserves and non reserves. How about if you actually use the name you reserved from PL you get something? I'll take a cool glowing vanity helm or something else, please.

Actually give us a reason to use the name besides that we paid 50 plat for it, you know? For those quitting PL for SL (I'm gonna play both) that's what it is basically. Paid for it, so gotta use it now or the plat was wasted.