Quote Originally Posted by Spullllll View Post
It should start from l.1 and go to l.100,, enchants on endgame sure ig, but it ruined all of twink and you already know this.
I mean ofc. All of PvP is better off without it, but tell Cinco that. He has the ability to disable honor arenas gear in PvE and the ability to nerf a entire level ranges damage value, L.25-27. I don't know a single instance where Enchantments could of ever been a success in Twink (30-76) without there being some sort of balance issue. Enchants should only be used on elites and above that they originated from. So that would be L.105+.

The best way to fix this issue is to either make enchants a 85+ thing or rid the capabilities of putting them on any grade of gear below Elites, these grades are trash common uncommon rare epic and legendary. @Cinco would you consider this?