goblin horde has invaded and is using a powerful and deadly poison to transform the helpless villagers into scary snarling goblins. Visit Littleridge to fight goblins, earn points and tokens and walk away with tons of event exclusive loot!
The event will begin on Thursday 5/7 at approximately 1:30 PM CT and end Thursday 5/21 at 1:30pm CT. Cooldown ends Sunday, 5/24 at 1:30 pm Central Time.
New to 2020:
+ Players must clear the dungeon of minions to open the way to the boss. Noxious poison barriers will block your way until enough minions have been defeated.
Changed from 2019:
+ Placing in the Top 10 on the Goblin Event Leaderboard will get a special deluxe Black Metal Goblin Banner while ranks 11 to 50 get the Black Metal Goblin Pike reward.
+ The prize for reaching Gold Tier includes the Mythic Fatima pet (not an egg).
+ Purchasable items from the Event Vendor have been updated! So grab your pets, crates, recipes and currency chests!
How to Play
Attachment 190739
There are a number of ways to enjoy the Goblin Event! Participation in the Goblin Event will earn you points as well as tokens that you can spend at a special vendor to get exclusive pets and gear.
Your goal is to advance through four tiers (Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum), killing as many evil goblins as you can to quell the goblin threat and earn your just rewards.
You can find you way to Littleridge through the world map, or by talking to various NPCs scattered about Arlor. Look for the pink portals.
Attachment 190740
Upon arrival you can find several things:
Quest NPCs
Talk to various NPCs in Littleridge to guide you on your way through the Goblin Event.
Attachment 190741 Attachment 190742
Attachment 190743
Goblin Portal
Attachment 190744
At the northeast bridge you’ll find a portal into the Mission Dungeon to fight goblin minions and bosses.
Attachment 190745
It requires one Energy to get to Littleridge. You start with Three energy units. Energy can be obtained in a variety of ways:
Regeneration: Every 8 hours 1 empty energy slot will be filled with a new energy point. Your energy count can be seen in the small panel located at the top of your HUD. Energy count cannot exceed 3.
Loot Drops: Event bosses and chests have a small chance to drop energy points or kits to replenish an empty energy slot.
Crafting: For the duration of the event, all zones have a chance to drop Energy Essences. These essences can be crafted into 1 Energy Kit. It takes 1 hour to craft these kits. Crafted energy kits are character bound and can only be used on the character that crafted them.
Purchase Energy Kits: Tradeable energy kits are sold in packs of 5 for 25 platinum on the Event Vendor, as well as by other players on the CS for gold.
Bane Item
Attachment 190746
The bane item is a premium item offered for platinum during each world event. For the Goblin Event, you have the option to purchase the Cleansing Stone which will protect you from the harmful effects of goblin poison. If you purchased one in a previous year, it should still work for you.
Binding Elixir
Attachment 190748
Binding Stones are required to craft the Goblin Altar Relic. They only drop when you are under the influence of a Binding Stone Elixir (available from the Event Vendor). Binding Stones are tradeable.
Goblin Elixir
Attachment 190747
The Goblin Crusher Elixirs will give you a 50% dmg boost in all event zones. They will last for 15 minutes and can be obtained through:
Tiered Rewards: You will obtain one Goblin Crusher Elixir for reaching Bronze Tier and 3 more for reaching Silver Tier
Elixir Vendor: A special vendor is standing in Littleridge to sell you Goblin Crusher Elixirs for 2 platinum each.
Crate Drops: Goblin Crusher Elixirs have a chance to drop from any Goblin Treasure Crate.
Goblin Altar Relic
Attachment 190749
A Goblin Altar Relic will be required to spawn a portal from any Goblin Altar found around Arlor. To craft a relic you will need the following:
- Goblin Altar Relic Recipe: Available for 75 tokens at the Event Vendor
- 5 Goblin Altar Relic Fragments (Drop)
- Binding Stone
Note the Goblin Altar Relic Recipe is consumed on use!
This portal spawn is the only way to get to The Goblin Mother!
The Goblin Mother
The Goblin Mother gives a large number of leaderboard points and tokens, as well as dropping the 'Mother's Noxious Fogger' Back Pack vanity.
Attachment 190750
Her miniboss Gobby drops a special vanity chest that opens for 100 tokens containing a piece of the new Gleaming Goblin vanity for a random class.
Attachment 190751
As you progress through the various tiers you will automatically be rewarded as follows:
Bronze Rewards:
+ Goblin Crusher Elixir
+ 2500 Gold
+ Littleridge Battle Banner
Attachment 190752
Silver Rewards:
+ Three Goblin Alliance Chests
+ Three Goblin Crusher Elixirs
+ Binding Stone Farmer's Elixir
Gold Rewards:
+ Free pull on an Unlocked Goblin Alliance Crate
+ Binding Stone Farmer's Elixir
+ Fatima, the new Mythic spectral Djinn pet!
Attachment 190753
Platinum Rewards:
+ [ The Cure ] Title
+ Two Free Unlocked Goblin Alliance Crates
+ Two Jewel Chests
+ Tradeable 50 Crate Key Pack
+ Two Binding Stone Farmer's Elixirs
+ Angelic Battle Banner
Attachment 190754
Attachment 190779
Here are the special rewards for the top of the leaderboards for each class:
Top 10:
+ The Black Metal Goblin Banner - NOT TRADEABLE, is stashable
Attachment 190755
+Special Operations Vanity Set
Attachment 190758
+ Precise Jewel of your class (Mind, Fury, Finesse)
+ Leaderboard Title
<- Blood Angel ->
+ 100 Ankh Kit - NOT TRADEABLE
+ 250 Platinum
Top 25:
+ The Black Metal Goblin Pike banner - NOT TRADEABLE, is Stashable
Attachment 190756
+ Fortified Jewel of your class (Mind, Fury, Finesse)
+ 100 Ankh Kit - NOT TRADEABLE
Top 50:
+ The Black Metal Goblin Pike banner - NOT TRADEABLE, is Stashable
+ 100 Ankh Kit - NOT TRADEABLE
Event Vendor
Here is where you can spend your hard earned rewards. You can purchase:
+ Black Metal Goblin Vanity
Attachment 190751
+ Arlorian Antitoxin Chamber
Attachment 190761
+ Hidden Ally Shield
Attachment 190762
+Aristocrat Set
Attachment 190778
+ Blacklight
Attachment 190764
+ Heroic Blacklight
Attachment 190763
Hoarded Goblin Ally Chest with loot for your level (up to 76).
recipe to craft the
Greater Goblin Alliance Chest
Unlocked Goblin Alliance Crate, which contains tons of goodies including:
+ Tactical Vanity Sets + Weapons
Attachment 190765
Attachment 190766
+Set Items:
+ Level 10: Noxious Haste Set
+ Level 30: Toxic Haste Set
+ Level 50: Venomous Haste Set
+ Level 70: Pernicious Haste Set
+ Level 75: Malignant Haste Set
(Each set only works if you have the ring and amulet of the same level)
+ Arcane Level 76 "Death Engine" Helmets and Armor
+ Mythic Level 76 Valley Pendants
+ Arcanite Korruption's Egg
Attachment 190775
+ Heroic Titan's Egg
Attachment 190776
+ Heroic Sentinel's Egg
Attachment 190777
Limited Time Sales
+ The female Djinn pet "Heroic Fatima" will be available in the Store in egg form for 1750 Platinum on the 16th and the 17th.
Attachment 190768
+ "Arcanite Korruption's Egg" will also be available in the Store for 1750 Platinum on the 16th and 17th.
Attachment 190775
+ A set of "Special Operations" Vanity weapons will also be in the Store on the 16th and 17th for 50 Platinum each.
Attachment 190767
All this and so much more waits for you in Littleridge, so what are you waiting for? Get back in the game and
save that town!