Quote Originally Posted by MiruZetu View Post
I used to play rules of Oblivion
In there market prices were fix like u can list item 50% lower or 50% higher than market price.. n if there is no items in market to determine price.. its will b same price as previously last sold price.. i wish sts bring this system in al also.. bcoz these days ppl dont come in town n shout for 3-5hrs to buy one items.. they just buy from auction and mistake happen n there r lots of clumsy ppl out there not 1 or 2 so..
Ik that its a legally scamming but it can b fix. Not all ppl care about others they only wanna scam scam scam.. legally or illegally... Scamming makes games more bad than anything!!

I want this system to b added on al so ppl can determine true price.. n price dont rise n drop fastly..
At first this sounds awesome, but then I think of problems with it.
Who knows how many hundreds/thousands of items that could be sold in ah, and how much bandwidth it may take up to keep this?
What if the cost of having this info stored and up kept was additional lag for everyone, not just the one who needs to pay attention when purchasing.

What about lb items that took multiple trade windows to complete? How can a program sort all that out ?

The value of what X amount of gold can buy changes sometimes rapidly, I don’t see the oblivion model working well, & not being exploitive by making a dummy acc and moving gold around to change the last price of an item.
Sounds good on paper tho