Quote Originally Posted by EpicX View Post
All these people complaining lmfao, learn to read. It never said base drops increased by 10x. It just said the "minimum" was increased by 10 times. And to those who rush selled/ rush bought items (smh) dont blame the devs for your own damn action.

The update is good, the tokens drop more frequently and the chances of chest gives it a little more motivation to farm the event.

They all want sick amount of gold to drop but in their tiny brain divided by greed they don't realize that prices of every frigging item will skyrocket, and they will complain again that "boohooo items are too expensive we can't afford it" and proceed to blame devs again.
Did you read my reply? It could imply 2 possible meanings. Lol. Is this a reading comprehension test for an international game? In behalf of the people who donÂ’t use English as a primary language, a minimum may/may not affect a maximum. Lol shame on a hate post from a rich person who doesnÂ’t care how the poor feels. 👎