Quote Originally Posted by Barbamitsos View Post
Dude I HAVE AN ENCHANTRESS and i know how fast heal regens so dont tell me
u cant spam heal! When i pvp i heal all the time and scores are 20-9 so u CAN HEAL and thats why i may wrote HEAL HEAL HEAL with my archer or bowbear. Get used to it. Ure enchantress=U must heal
thats our demijob anyway
I think we should make a distinction between what I was talking about (under 30 PVE) and what you seem to be talking about (PVP). Yes, heal "regens" quickly. It's also a mana drain at lower levels when that mana can be spent more effectively for AOE or other purposes. It's not that the Enchantress CAN'T or WON'T heal, it's more that many people have the attitude you have: it's our "job" somehow, and that it's acceptable to be rude when "demanding" that it be performed.

I know it's a bit of a TL;DR situation, but reading the entire content of my post might enlighten you as to my specific points and the circumstances under which I don't generally heal (level <30, trash mobs).

Respectfully, as always,