Quote Originally Posted by Remiem View Post
Hey everyone! A few notes here before the first post goes up.

1) To win the vanity, all you need to do is complete and be in a screenshot for every map each week (all 6 weeks). As long as you've completed all of the maps in the 6 weeks, you will get the vanity.
2) The example above is the perfect post! Each run screenshotted, names and guild names visible, dead boss or loot in chat, and secret phrase.
3) You DO need to be in a guild to participate, but you don't have to run with guild mates. You also do not have to stick with the same party. For each completed run you will receive 1 points for yourself and your guild. So it counts for both no matter how who you run with.
4) You can run as many times as you like during the week. Post a screenshot for each completed round of runs.

The other thing I will say is that I hear you on the vanity. As the contest begins tonight, please run knowing that the Jester vanity is the intended prize for the contest, but I MAY be able to talk to the devs and see what we can do about the Elite Journeyman. NO GUARANTEES, but it will be a possiblity. I'll find out more during the day on Monday and update the contest posts accordingly if anything changes. Again, no sad faces if I can't make it happen. Just know that I hear you and will see what I can do.
Thank You!

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