Prices of items went up because Of Pirate Booty event and House Party event. Inflation,+supply and demand =current prices now.

Before you say something stupid like “no it’s price manipulators” no it’s not.

Look at house party event, sure some people got 120k others got 10k each hour. Now multiply that number by 2,000 players and thats 20m or 240m in 1 single hour. How long was event? 7 days, 24 hours in 1 day. Simple math 240m X 168 hours is 40 billion Newly generated gold Into the game. Or if you want to play it safe and say people got 10k ok fine.thats 3 billion gold added into the game. Which causes inflation, and to top it off you had Pirate booty event which was another gold event before house party event.

Let me give you example so you can understand,

say your poor and only have 20m and want to buy maul, but you can’t because it’s 50m. Say 20 players are in the same shoes you are in. Okay now both after Pirate booty event and house party event you now have 50m to buy maul, but wait, 20 other people have 50m too and also want maul. But there is only 3 maul sellers. How can everyone get one? That’s right 1 player will offer 55m so he can beat the other 20 players, but then another offers 60m then another 72m and then 75 and then 85m, etc.. supply and demand.

Price went up because more players now have more gold. And since many players have more gold, all want expensive item, since there is not many expensive item, people sell for higher price since now everyone can afford old price, like my maul example.

Hope can understand what I’m saying.