1 Para gem, this gives a light orange light circle under your feet.
2 Rendtail, this gives a alot of rings with shreds on the outside under your feet.
3 Amulet of doom, and fang pendant. Blue dots come out the top of your character.
4 Blood ring, red ring on your hand.
5 Archon rings, White, green, and purple ring on your hand.
6 Level 54 arcane pendant, green square aura on your feet.
7 Fob pendant Blue pumpkins appear in front of you.
8 Lepre pendants Green/Brown clovers appear infront of you.
9 Mad scientist pendant has orange pumpkins.
10 Spooky arcane artifact has a ball of pumpkins that circle you.
11 Yeti artifact has a white pumpkin that circles you.
12 Glint stone set for warrior has a mega ring around your feet.
13 Mire sets, nightmare sets, voice sets, I think banish and antignome all have 3/3 and 6/6 aura. 3/3 on the left 6/6 right, antignome is purple.
14 Fortune artifact has a big green clover that travels in a random direction around you.
15 Bat pendant, epic pendant that summons a black bat to fly in a circle around you.
16 Tainted sets, level 66 is blue 71 is yellow and 76 is green.
17 Haste sets, Nox, Tox, Veno, Pern, Mal. These give a sparkle glitter effect.
18 Endless sets. Level 66 and 71 give a heart under the feet as 76 makes a whirl pool.
19 Level 60 artifact aa, gives a green type ball to go around your character.
20 Level 50 artifact has a huge purple type void under your feet.
21 Mage glintstone gives a purple whirl pool under your feet.
22 Rogue Glintstone set gives a white star under your feet.
23 Egg sets Belt Ring Pendant. Gives a type of similar effect as the haste set.
24 Kershal arcane weapon. This gives a purple ball that goes around your character.
25 Level 40 arti has a skull that circles you.
26 Jarl ring, a green ball wisp that goes around you.
27 Winter star ring. A white glow on the wrist/hand.
Leave screenshots of other auras or tell me the items I missed below. I will try to update this.