I know people may probably disagree with me but I do think there's too much gold looting going on and it's boring.
The events were good, I enjoyed pirate and houseparty but maybe gears, pets etc. should drop instead of all that gold.
Is it too late to rectify because the damage has been done?
It was such an innocent and interesting game but now it's become like a Wall Street Crash game.
How can anyone enjoy running dm and Vardan all the time and still call it fun? I hate Vardan..I hate people telling me what gears to use..which pet to summon, when to load out my gears to good luck gears. I've news for the people who do that..I don't have good luck gears and I hate hiding behind the wall.
I play AL because my in-game friends are there and I like to chat, help people and look for ikku but wow, the nastiness and greed is palpable, you can cut the atmosphere on here with a knife.
I'm not super rich, I have enough and enough is good.
Anyway, I'm happy enough with what I have and do, seems to me all this gold looting is making a lot of people miserable.